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What is age-related
macular degeneration

AMD is a leading cause of blindness in the
United States. The macula, which is in the back
of the eye, controls our sharp, central vision. For
some people with AMD, the macula gets weak
slowly, with gradual vision loss, while for others
with AMD, the growth of abnormal blood
vessels causing blood and fluid leakage can lead
to sudden vision loss in one or both eyes. 

Who is most likely to get AMD?
People over the age of 60 have a higher chance of getting AMD. The chances get even higher as
you get older. You also have a higher chance if you smoke, are overweight, or have a family history of AMD.

What are the
symptoms of AMD?

People with early AMD may not notice much
change in their vision, especially if the disease
only affects one eye. There may be some
blurriness that might improve with brighter
light. As AMD gets worse, people may find it
harder to see faces or words in a book. People
with late AMD may notice that straight lines
appear crooked and more of their central
vision is lost.


Illustration: National Library of Medicine (US). Genetics Home Reference [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): The Library; 2013 Sep 16. [Illustration] Gene therapy using an adenovirus vector; [cited 2013 Sep 19]; [about 1 screen]. Available from:

How is AMD treated?
AMD cannot be cured, but it can be treated
to keep it from getting worse. In some cases,
people’s vision can get better.


Catching AMD early is important to protect your eyesight.

In the early stage of AMD, treatments can include eating better and take more vitamins. Talk to your eye care professional about the best vitamins for you. If abnormal blood vessels develop, you may require drugs in the eye or laser surgery to help stop the growth of abnormal blood vessels in the retina. 

 2025  Chenango Eye Associates Physicians & Surgeons |

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