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              An eye examination is the only way to find changes inside the eye caused by diabetes. Our doctors often diagnose and treat serious diabetic retinopathy before patients are aware of significant vision problems. The best treatment is prevention of retinopathy. Good blood sugar control reduces the long term risk of vision loss from diabetes.


Diabetic retinopathy which includes macular edema and proliferative diabetic retinopathy ( PDR), may be treated by laser surgery. For macular edema, the laser decreases the fluid leakage. The main goal is to prevent further loss of vision. Blurred vision from macular edema seldom returns to normal, although some experience some improvement. For PDR, the laser helps shrink abnormal new blood vessels and prevents future growth.

The laser treatment does not cure diabetic retinopathy or reverse any vision loss that has already occurred. It is used to try to prevent any further vision loss.


This technology is a remarkable innovation that allows the physicians at Chenango Eye Associates to conduct ocular examinations for retinal disease and glaucoma at an unparalleled level of detail and accuracy. With the OCT ( Optical Coherence Tomography) the physicians can avoid more invasive diagnostic procedures and literally see below the surface of the retina. This technology means earlier detection and earlier, often presymptomatic, diagnosis of sight-threatening diseases.

This instrument scans light across the retina generating a cross-sectional image of the tissue in microscopic detail. This detailed image of the retina allows the physician to diagnosis and manage many retinal disorders including macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and macular holes. These scans also capture the retinal nerve fiber layer around the optic nerve for diagnosis and management of glaucoma.


The physicians at Chenango Eye Associates are committed to providing you with the highest standards of eye care available. The Optomap exam allows our physicians to exam the back of your eye (retina) without any pupil dilation. The Optomap retinal image can then be immediately displayed for your doctor to review with you. This image can also be stored electronically so that the doctor has a permanent record of the condition of your retina. This is very important in assisting the doctor to detect and measure any changes in your retina the next time you have your eyes examined. For more information on the Optomap visit


 2025  Chenango Eye Associates Physicians & Surgeons |

 This web site is provided for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute providing medical advice or professional services.


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